Committee Members

President : Mr David McHale

Vice-president and Chairman : Mr Nick Barnsby

Vice-President: Joanne Cannon

Secretary : Mrs Sandra Hanley

Treasurer : Mrs Sandra Hanley

Memberships: Sarah Jones

Webmaster and Social Media: Mr Juan Medina

Committee members :

Jesus Abreu Simon, Kellie Planson, Tara Mayes, Paul Mayes, Sarah Martine Thomas, Amanda Collins

Are you dedicated and genuinely passionate about the Pedigree Bulldog? Do you have skills (including Good Communication and Basic IT skills) Do you own a PC you can use to help with assigned tasks? Do you have a few hours to spare each month? Can you attend and assist at 2 Shows and an AGM? and also a few online evening meetings per year? The club publishes a yearly magazine, holds educational days and health testing events. The Bulldog Club Incorporated is looking for dedicated people to join the, already hard-working members of our team. You would be expected to serve a minimum of one year as a co-opted committee member before being adopted fully to the team and becoming a director (with voting rights) of our Ltd Company (so no criminal records or CCJ’s) Confidentiality and compliance with GDPR is vital! If you think you fit the bill please contact us.